The Royal Titulary – A Ruler’s Many Names

In Ancient Egypt, pharaohs were more than just rulers – they were living legends. Each pharaoh possessed not one, but five distinct names, collectively known as the royal titulary. This naming convention symbolized their supreme authority and divine power. Much like a modern leader’s campaign slogan, these names served as a mission statement for their reign.

The five names of the royal titulary were:

  1. The Horus name
  2. The Nebty name
  3. The Golden Horus name
  4. The Throne name
  5. The Birth name

Interestingly, pharaohs sometimes altered their names during their reign to commemorate significant events or achievements.

The Mystery of Hieroglyphs

For centuries, the ability to read and write hieroglyphs – the ancient Egyptian writing system – was lost to time. It wasn’t until the 1820s that this mysterious code was finally cracked, thanks to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. This breakthrough allowed scholars to decipher hieroglyphs and unlock the secrets of ancient Egyptian history.

The Challenge of Pronunciation

One of the intriguing aspects of hieroglyphic writing is that it doesn’t typically indicate vowels. This presents a unique challenge for modern scholars attempting to pronounce ancient Egyptian names. To aid in pronunciation, Egyptologists often insert an ‘e’ between consonants. However, it’s important to note that the true pronunciation of these names can only be estimated, as the ancient Egyptian language has been silent for two millennia.

Evolution of Pharaohs’ Names in Modern Times

Early Egyptologists, primarily from France, England, and Germany, faced numerous challenges in transcribing pharaohs’ names. As their understanding of the Egyptian language expanded, so did the accuracy of their translations. A prime example of this evolution is the pharaoh initially known as Amuntuankh, who we now correctly identify as Tutankhamun.

The Sun Disk and Ra

In hieroglyphic writing, the sun disk symbol (⊙) plays a significant role in many pharaohs’ names. While some Egyptologists transcribe this symbol as ‘Re’, these pages consistently use ‘Ra’ for clarity and consistency. This is why you might see names like Ramesses and Neferkare, both containing the same sun disk symbol.

The Ongoing Puzzle of Pharaohs’ Names

The study of pharaohs’ names remains an active field of research. Some rulers are known only by one or two of their five names, while others have yet to be correctly identified. This creates an ongoing mystery that continues to captivate Egyptologists and history enthusiasts alike.

By understanding the complexities of pharaohs’ names, we gain deeper insight into the rich tapestry of ancient Egyptian culture and the enduring legacy of these legendary rulers.

Complete Egyptian Dynasties and Pharaohs

Egyptian Dynasties and Pharaohs

Time Period


Predynastic Period

Before 3100 BC

Seka, Khayu, Tiu, Tjesh, Neheb, Wenegbu, Mekh
Dynasty I

c. 3100-2890 BC

Narmer, Aha, Djer, Djet, Den, Adjib, Semerkhet, Qaa
Dynasty II

c. 2890-2686 BC

Hotepsekhemwy, Nebra, Ninetjer, Wadjenes, Senedj, Sekhemib, Peribsen, Sneferka, Neferkasokar, Hudjefa I, Khasekhemwy
Dynasty III

c. 2686-2613 BC

Nebka, Djoser, Sekhemkhet, Hudjefa II, Mesochris, Nebkara, Neferkara, Huni
Dynasty IV

c. 2613-2494 BC

Sneferu, Khufu, Radjedef, Khafra, Menkaura, Shepseskaf, Baufra, Thamphthis, Hordjedef
Dynasty V

c. 2494-2345 BC

Userkaf, Sahura, Neferirkara I Kakai, Shepseskara Netjeruser, Neferefra Isi, Niuserra Ini, Menkauhor Kaiu, Djedkara Isesi, Unas
Dynasty VI

c. 2345-2181 BC

Teti, Userkara, Pepi I, Nemtiemsaf I, Pepi II, Nemtiemsaf II
Dynasty VII

c. 2181-2160 BC

No evidence of a seventh dynasty. Africanus wrote that 70 kings ruled for 70 days, while Eusebius wrote that 5 kings ruled for 75 days.
Dynasty VIII

c. 2181-2160 BC

Netjerikara, Menkara, Neferkara II, Neferkara Neby, Djedkara Shemai, Neferkara Khendu, Merenhor, Neferkamin I, Nikara, Neferkara Tereru, Neferkahor, Neferkara Pepiseneb, Neferkamin Anu, Qakara Ibi, Neferkaura, Neferkauhor, Neferirkara II
Dynasty IX

c. 2160-2130 BC

Meribra Khety I, Neferkara III, Wahkara Khety II, Senen, Neferkara Khety III
Dynasty X

c. 2130-2040 BC

Nebkaura Khety IV, Merikara, Sekhemkara I, Wadjkara, Ity, Imhotep, Hotep, Khui, Isu, Iytenu
Dynasty XI

c. 2134-1991 BC

Mentuhotep I, Intef I, Intef II, Intef III, Mentuhotep II, Mentuhotep III, Mentuhotep IV
Dynasty XII

c. 1991-1803 BC

Amenemhat I, Senusret I, Amenemhat II, Senusret II, Senusret III, Amenemhat III, Amenemhat IV, Neferusobek
Dynasty XIII

c. 1803-1649 BC

Sobekhotep I, Sonbef, Nerikara, Sekhemkara Amenemhat, Ameny Qemau, Qemau Siharnedjheritef, Iufni, Sankhibra Amenemhat, Nebnun, Sewesekhtawy Sehotepibra, Sewadjkara, Nedjemibra, Sobekhotep II, Ranisonb, Hor I, Sekhemra Khutawy, Djedkheperu, Sebkay, Sedjefakara Kay-Amenemhat, Wegaf, Khendjer, Imyremeshaw, Intef IV, Meribra Seth, Sobekhotep III, Neferhotep I, Sihathor, Sobekhotep IV, Sobekhotep V, Sobekhotep VI, Wahibra Jaib, Aya, Ini, Sewadjtu, Ined, Sewadjkara Hori, Sobekhotep VII, Merkheperra, Merkara, Mentuhotep V, Ibi, Hor II, Se…kara, Sankhptahi
Dynasty XIV

c. 1705-1690 BC

Yakbim, Yammu, Qareh, Aahotepra, Sheshi, Nehesi, Khakherura, Nebfaura, Sehabra, Merdjefara, Sewadjkara III, Nebdjefara, Webenra, ..djefara, ..webenra, Awibra, Heribra, Nebsenra, Sekheperenra, Djedkherura, Sankhibra II, Nefertum..ra, Sekhem..ra, Kakemura, Neferibra, I..ra, Khakara, Akara, Hapu, Anati, Babnum, Senefer..ra, Men..ra, Djed..ra, Inek.., A.., Ap.., Wazad, Sheneh
Dynasty XV

c. 1650-1550 BC

Salitis, Sakir-Har, Khyan, Apepi, Khamudy, Aperanat, Semqen, Apachnas, Sharek, Beon
Dynasty XVI

c. 1650-1580 BC

Djehuty, Sobekhotep VIII, Neferhotep III, Mentuhotepi, Nebirau I, Nebirau II, Semenenra, Bebiankh, Sekhemra Shedwaset, Dedumose I, Dedumose II, Mentuemsaf, Mentuhotep VI, Senusret IV, Pepi III, Nebmaatra, Anetjerira, Meribra, Nubankhra, Nikara II
Dynasty XVII

c. 1580-1550 BC

Rahotep, Sobekemsaf I, Sobekemsaf II, Intef V, Intef VI, Intef VII, Senakhtenra, Seqenenra, Kamose
Dynasty XVIII

c. 1550-1295 BC

Ahmose I, Amenhotep I, Thutmose I, Thutmose II, Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Amenhotep II, Thutmose IV, Amenhotep III, Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), Neferneferuaten, Smenkhkara, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb
Dynasty XIX

c. 1295-1186 BC

Ramesses I, Seti I, Ramesses II, Merenptah, Seti II, Amenmesse, Siptah, Tausret
Dynasty XX

c. 1186-1069 BC

Setnakht, Ramesses III, Ramesses IV, Ramesses V, Ramesses VI, Ramesses VII, Ramesses VIII, Ramesses IX, Ramesses X, Ramesses XI
Dynasty XXI

c. 1069-945 BC

Smendes I, Amenemnesut, Psusennes I, Amenemope, Osochor, Siamun, Psusennes II
Dynasty XXII

c. 943-720 BC

Shoshenq I, Osorkon I, Shoshenq II, Shoshenq IIb, Takelot I, Osorkon II, Shoshenq III, Shoshenq IV, Pami, Shoshenq V, Pedubast II, Osorkon IV
Dynasty XXIII

c. 840-755 BC

Takelot II, Pedubast I, Iuput I, Shoshenq VI, Osorkon III, Takelot III, Rudamun
Dynasty XXIV


Tafnakht, Bakenrenef
Dynasty XXV

c. 752-656 BC

Piye, Shabaka, Shebitko, Taharqa, Tenutamen
Dynasty XXVI


Necho I, Psamtik I, Necho II, Psamtik II, Apries, Amasis, Psamtik III
Dynasty XXVII (Persian)

525-404 BC

Cambyses II, Darius I, Xerxes I, Artaxerxes I, Darius II, Artaxerxes II
Dynasty XXVIII

404-399 BC

Dynasty XXIX

399-380 BC

Neferites I, Akoris, Psammuthis, Neferites II, Muthis
Dynasty XXX

380-343 BC

Nectanebo I, Djedhor Teos I, Nectanebo II
Dynasty XXXI (Persian)

343-332 BC

Artaxerxes III, Arses, Darius III
Argead Dynasty

332-309 BC

Alexander the Great, Philip III Arrhidaeus, Alexander IV Aegus
Ptolemaic Dynasty

305-30 BC

Ptolemy I, Ptolemy II, Ptolemy III, Ptolemy IV, Ptolemy V, Ptolemy VI, Ptolemy VII, Ptolemy VIII, Ptolemy IX, Ptolemy X, Ptolemy XI, Ptolemy XII, Ptolemy XIII, Ptolemy XIV, Cleopatra VII, Ptolemy XV
Roman Period

27 BC-313 AD

Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vespasianus, Titus, Domitianus, Nerva, Trajanus, Hadrianus, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus, Commodus, Septimius Severus, Caracalla, Geta, Macrinus, Diadumenianus, Philippus Arabs, Trajanus Decius, Valerianus, Probus, Diocletianus, Maximianus, Galerius, Maximinus Daia
Unplaced Pharaohs or Kings


Anather, Harsiese A, Ini II, Peftjauawybast, Pedubast III, Psamtik IV, Inaros